Uber Fury Druid D2R Build Guide

The druid is definitely an overlooked class in D2R, particularly when it comes to Uber clearance, with many opting for the conventional Uber Smiter or even the new Mosaic Assassin. The druid, however, provides the most affordable option, in addition to providing just as effective uber clearing and torch farming. This build is extremely recommended for a person with minimal wealth and who wants an achievable build to amass wealth.

The goal of the guide would be to help you build a highly effective Uber Wolf that may reach high damage with Fury, have over 5000 life, and get to the most efficient FHR, Crushing Blow, Open Wound, Deadly Strike, Life Leech, and Resistances combo as you possibly can, for efficient solo being. Players can buy d2r ladder runes and diablo 4 gold from a trustworthy shop like MMOWTS to gain access to powerful new abilities and strategies.

D2R Ladder Items</p> <p>


The recommended stats are listed below:

Strength - Base enough for gear.

Dexterity - None.

Vitality - Rest (Vita build)

Energy - None.

Gear ItemBenefits/Stats

WeaponOhm’d Up’d Ribcracker: 50% more Crushing Blow & 50% FHR

ArmorCoH (Chains of Honor): Significant res, +2 skills, harm to demons & undead

HeadUm’d Jalal’s: FHR, res, +skills, Um provides additional resistances

GlovesDracul’s Grasp: OW, LL, lifetap for sustain without potions

BootsGore Riders: CB, DS, OW

BeltVerdungo’s: Life rep, vitality, FHR, damage reduction

Thundergod’s: Best lightning absorb tool

AmuletHighlord's: Light res, +1 skill, IAS, significant Deadly Strike

Ring1Ravenfrost: Good AR, dex, ‘cannot be frozen

Ring2Ravenfrost/Wisp: Switch between based on specific elements faced

SwitchCTA (Call to Arms) + Spirit

CharmsAnni is standard without any Torch. You can fill the rest of your inventory with SS (+life preferred) and small charms using the following mods:

Life/resistances / FHR / Max damage + AR

Skill Build

SkillBenefits and Stats

Werewolf (20)Provides additional damage and life leech in werewolf form.

Lycanthropy (20)Provides bonuses to werewolf form, including increased life and attack rating.

Fury (20)Main skill, deals physical damage, and may hit multiple targets.

Oak Sage (20)Provides extra life for the player as well as their party.

Carrion Vine (1)Gives replenished life to every corpse it eats. Useful for sustaining during extended battles.

Cyclone Armor (rest)A defensive skill that can cause a protective whirlwind around the player, providing significant elemental damage reduction.

Cyclone Armor Synergies (one in each)These synergies boost the effectiveness of Cyclone Armor, which makes it an even stronger defensive option.

Posted in Default Category on April 14 2023 at 11:41 PM
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