Genshin Impact Cosplayer's Huge Ruin Guard Suit Has Working Spin Attack

A Genshin Impact fan has impressed the fanbase with a sensational cosplay of one of the game's most iconic enemies: the Ruin Guard. The undeniably popular allowed to-play MMORPG has taken the world by storm throughout recent years, with players routinely showing their affection for the title by creating hilarious Genshin Impact videos, fan art pieces, and of course, impressive cosplay designs.
The massive open universe of Genshin Impact is what most players will immediately associate with the game. The sprawling map contains a wide assortment of majestic sights, adorable NPCs, and intriguing collectibles, which are all expanded upon through the game's live-service elements. Along with these pleasant experiences and extraordinary landscapes, notwithstanding, can be dangerous and antagonistic forces. Amongst the most dreaded of these forces is the instantly conspicuous Ruin Guard, an ancient piece of hardware that dwarfs the player character. The Ruin Guards have a number of special attacks and techniques at their disposal, but one of the most effective is the spin attack, which sees them rotating their torso and thrashing their long arms about themselves, hurting anyone that gets too close. While Genshin Impact consistently adds new characters, Ruin Guards have the capability to take down every possible kind of warriors and adventurers.
Despite this, it seems like at least one Genshin Impact fan is somewhat fond of these characters; Reddit user thomasacortez27 recently shared a video of a stunning Ruin Guard cosplay, complete with a rotating torso and floppy arms that approximate the signature spin move. The video also features a small youngster, showing just the way that colossal this creation is, which thusly makes it even more impressive.
The Genshin Impact Ruin Guard cosplayer details some of its particulars in the comments, stating that the principle heap of the apparatus is put on the shoulders. While this news prompted some users to express their concern over what that might mean for the creator's back, it seems like the spinning motion wouldn't be possible assuming the heap was distributed elsewhere. Perhaps a cosplay of a Genshin Impact character like Ayato would be easier on the body, but it certainly wouldn't be close to as impressive.
As Genshin Impact continues to expand with updates and new content, it will be interesting to see how the cosplay community around it will develop. This Ruin Guard piece from thomascortez27 is sure to stand amongst the most paramount cosplay from the community, though, as its combination of craftsmanship, ingenuity, and artistry make it a sight to behold. One can only expectation that no Genshin Impact players hurt their backs trying to top this form.
Posted in Default Category on March 24 2022 at 07:32 PM
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