It's a quick way to highlight Moss by pressing the right trigger and symbol for receiver on 360, or "R2" plus receiver on the PS5 prior to snapping. It is only possible to spotlight one receiver on a play Don't take the time to highlight every single receiver in the field. In the Mut 25 coins example below the deep safety makes an initial move towards Moss immediately after Brady gets the snap. The difference this time is that our solid safety keeps running towards Moss instead of stepping flat toward the center of the field!
At this moment in the game our safety's strong point is that he's moving down the field while they line up right ahead of Moss. Our defensive line is in a better position to to stop the ball since he's recognized his main responsibility earlier than he did with the feature spotlight receiver.
When Brady comes out of the pocket, he is attempting to pass deep Moss. The safety has been running full-speed, and is still a few feet in front of Moss. As the ball gets closer, our safety is running at full speed, and has an excellent inside position against Moss. Even with the speed that of Randy Moss our much slower solid safety is poised to play. Our safety makes use of his inside position to fly into the air, hoping to play the ball from its highest level. Moss is in the middle of the defense however this is due to the fact that our solid safety stepped out of his cover to attempt to intercept the ball.
One method to thwart adversaries who like to use the spotlight receiver feature is to utilize your most powerful threat to act as an effective decoy. In the next instance we've hot routed Moss to do an arc route instead of a deeper route since we are concerned the opponent may try to spotlight him again. The goal of this play is to find a solid safety to be able to commit to Moss early, which will allow the tight-end to become free in the middle of the field against one-on-one defense.
Once Brady snaps the ball, the solid safety is able to run over to aid Moss once more. This tight-end has extra space over his middle in order to play in conjunction with the Safeties off the field immediately. Check this out, and you'll observe the safeties completely dedicated to Moss in the center of the field while our tight end gets ready to take his break over the middle. New England tight end Ben Watson is able to cut towards the inside, and we then make high passes with Mut coins for sale the quarterback Tom Brady.